Here's what I learned of the world from network news this week. Michael Jackson still dead. Film at 11.
That's it. I'm going to go take away their computers and give them each an Etch a Sketch.
Upper management are all in a meeting trying to figure out how to resize a .jpg. All of them. I wish I were kidding.
My Google-fu is most excellent today.
How much to see this movie? Normally I like someone to buy me dinner before screwing me like this.
I'm wondering if I can convert one of my filing cabinets into a kegerator.
The Borg were wrong. Resistance is not futile. It's V/I.
I think I may have just seen the most well crafted piece of spamvertising ever.
Looking at some code that seems to have been written by a drunk monkey and thinking WTF. Bad news is I wrote it just a couple of weeks ago.
On the bright side, I have had exactly 0 zombie encounters this morning.