43Friends 38Fans
male Singapore, Singapore
Starry Eyed Surprise, loves Music, WWW, Cool People, Jesus, Angels, Animals, Food, Fun...
pericles shares
13 years ago
Apple to reveal latest iPad
pericles wishes
13 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day!
pericles says
13 years ago
Doctors say that one piece of bacon takes 9 minutes off of your life. That has to be the longest & most delicious form of suicide ever!
pericles thinks
13 years ago
When your girlfriend has Taylor Swift lyrics as her status, You know you've either done something very right or something very wrong
pericles wonders
13 years ago
Why do we say the alarm went off when, in fact, it went on?
pericles thinks
13 years ago
Mornings probably wouldn't be so bad if they didn't always catch me in the middle of a dead sleep
pericles says
13 years ago
I never thought I would be one of those people to get into eating healthy and working out everyday. I was right
pericles shares
13 years ago
Dear girls who say they want to date a vampire, AIDS is spread through blood too. Sincerely, maybe you should reconsider...
pericles hates
13 years ago
Typing. Like. This. Doesn't. Make. Your. Point. Any. Stronger. It. Makes. It. Look. Like. Your. Computer. Has. Asthma
pericles thinks
13 years ago
Some things are best kept between you and the neighbors. Like a fence, for example.