Luke Skywanker
6 months ago
[film] Saw 40th anniversary screening of Amadeus last night. I know it's common to think "they don't make 'em like they used to" but man, I left the theater in mourning for cinema.
latest #7
Luke Skywanker
6 months ago
It's not that NOTHING good is being made now! Obviously! And a LOT of shit has always been part of film.
Luke Skywanker
6 months ago
But when was the last time I saw something with that type of ... IDK. Scope and scale?
6 months ago
Ridley Scott is sort of the last of that type of director, I think. You've got a good point.
Luke Skywanker
6 months ago
And I don't even like him!!
6 months ago
I swear, though, part of it has to do with introducing algorithms to the business, where decisions are being made on computerized prediction and not, well, human instinct and letting a director just make something.
6 months ago
A lot of the epics I've loved over the years would not get authorized today, I think. Too risky.
Luke Skywanker
6 months ago
Yes. And the returns have to be at such a level at this point, a movie of a play about Salieri that costs whatever that did??? yeah no
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