112Friends 92Fans
male Kansas City, KS, United States
Tech guy that dabbles in writing and beekeeping. Occasionally escapes to the outside world for hiking, canoeing, or some live music.

System Specialist at University of Kansas

Known as Tully McLeod in Second Life
Nethound shares
11 years ago 8 Just a rough draft of a shot I want to work on in SL, and hope to recreate in RL as well. Just need to get a decent photographer willing to follow me out to a wind farm.
Nethound shares
11 years ago 15 Went out and setup the tent and camp so my lady can camp out at the War of the Lilies all week (SCA)
Nethound shares
11 years ago 7 Hmm, not a bad idea for a life alert bracelet...
Nethound shares
11 years ago 7
Mr. Woodchuck proving that you can get fat eating just salad.
Nethound says
11 years ago 5
One of my hives swarmed today. Was pretty impressive: Hive Swarm
Nethound says
11 years ago 6
I have a few million nematodes in a baggie in the fridge. Maybe I should have warned the wife....
Nethound shares
11 years ago 11
Nethound shares
11 years ago 8
On the off chance anyone is in the Lawrence, KS area Tomorrow: Monarch Watch Openhouse and Plant Sale at KU
Nethound asks
11 years ago 14
Kendo or Fencing?