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2 months ago 47 @Edit 2 months ago
[COMMISSIONS] so for the second time in three months, I find myself at the emergency vet. I should be able to afford this in the moment but not so much the bills coming up at the beginning of the month. DETAILS WITHIN
(thing i forgot, each additional character is +half base price)
ETA: less of an emergency than previously thought! Commissions still open
3 weeks ago 11
nothing has pissed me off in all my time here as much as these GODDAMN FLIES IN MY OFFICE (except for not getting a holiday bonus, its June and I'm STILL pissed about it lmao)
3 weeks ago 15
thousand yard stare i forgot to stop by the pharmacy on my way home after work to pick up the refill on one of my blood pressure meds
3 weeks ago 17
I wish I had more interesting things to plurk about other than work lately but it is consuming me LMAO. Its shaping up to be another hell week, got stuck here late yesterday and STILL came in to a shitload of orders
3 weeks ago 20
MMMMAN the seasonal depressios got me bad this year wtf lol
3 weeks ago 10
DOOM: The Dark Ages | Official Trailer 1 (4K) | Comi...My husband is back and he brought a buzz saw shield
4 weeks ago 10 @Edit 4 weeks ago
[WORK] Of course the ONE ORDER I fuck up THE ENTIRE WEEK is the one a sales guy promised a customer we'd ship overnight, and my fucking shipping app autofilled the wrong address lmao
4 weeks ago 34
bit of a poll for you, plurk. When someone says they're going to be a "bit late" for work, what does that translate to for you
1 months ago 7
Stank is off for a couple weeks and already theres a very noticeable improvement in air quality WHICH IS GREAT, but my manager had to bring his kid to work today and I am very much not a kid person lol
1 months ago 15
Ask me QUESTIONS. RL, RP, whatever sounds fun HIT ME, I'll pretend to be interesting lmao
1 months ago 25
apparently one of the guys on the packing floor has a crush on me. The poor fool.