1 months ago
Ask me QUESTIONS. RL, RP, whatever sounds fun HIT ME, I'll pretend to be interesting lmao
latest #15
1 months ago
What...is your favorite color?
1 months ago
1. what other fandoms are you in beside sonic
2. when should we hang out
1 months ago
tseutsumi it took me way too long to think of an answer, i'm an artist i like every color if I had to narrow it down I prefer cool tones in the green/blue/purple category lmao
1 months ago
You valid friend.
1 months ago
Misheard I've been into so many things over the years it's hard to narrow it down lol. I've semi-recently rewatched Slayers and reread Fullmetal Alchemist, I was real big into Transformers for a while a few years ago, I've been keeping up with Resident Evil lately and I have a mighty need for the Silent Hill 2 remake
1 months ago
dipped into the MCU for a couple years, and now I only care about Spider-Man lol
1 months ago
Are you aware they added Vecna from D&D into Dead by Daylight?
Big Dad Energy
1 months ago
hey sonic how's school
1 months ago
as for hanging out I need to figure out what we're doing for my step-mom's birthday this month but I should be good sometime soon
1 months ago
tseutsumi I DID SEE THAT I haven't played dbd but it looks fun
1 months ago
redfirelight ACTUALLY I've been meaning to do a post about that but life keeps coming at me. sonic falls asleep in class lbr
Big Dad Energy
1 months ago
1 months ago
he tries to stay awake it's just so boring!!!!
Big Dad Energy
1 months ago
sonic not everything goes fast
1 months ago
he is learning that 8(
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