1 months ago
bit of a poll for you, plurk. When someone says they're going to be a "bit late" for work, what does that translate to for you
latest #34
1 months ago
For me its half an hour or less
1 months ago
For me a couple minutes
1 months ago
5 minutes
yeah 15-20, half at most. under 5 minutes isn't even like worth calling for imo but also I feel this is a case of "it was hours"
Fandom Fuckboy
1 months ago
5 to 10 minutes
20 min max
✧ Navigator ✧
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
15-30 minutes, depending on traffic/weather. If the delay is caused by an accident on the journey route, maybe longer.
✧ Navigator ✧
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
But always a max of 30mins. Longer than that, and you’re just late
coffee gremlin☕
1 months ago
without reading other responses: "a bit late" translates to me to usually 10-15 minutes late. max 30 minutes
1 months ago
My help texted me at 7am when I got here and said he'd be "A BIT" late. It is now 8:20 and he is not here
1 months ago
up to 20 min I think
coffee gremlin☕
1 months ago
i'd probably text him and ask if everything is ok. bc an hour+ doesn't fall under "a bit"
coffee gremlin☕
1 months ago
typically if i'm going to be hours late i a) give a reason and b) give a rough eta. "hey i'm running late bc of a migraine. going to try to be there around 11" (when my shift begins at 8-) for example
coffee gremlin☕
1 months ago
plurk what. pls stop. that should be "shift begins at eight"
1 months ago
He's always had this habit of being super vague whenever he calls in late or calls off. A lot of maybes and mights
coffee gremlin☕
1 months ago
ew no. when other people are relying on you you can't be vague. if it's a matter of stuck in traffic where you can't give a hard arrival time then at least keep ppl updated
also 30 at most for me
✧ Navigator ✧
1 months ago
i'd start cracking down. and certainly check he's putting the right time in on his work hours
✧ Navigator ✧
1 months ago
cracking down in terms of wishy washy answers that is
1 months ago
I'm not the manager so I can't crack shit lol
1 months ago
He's just as annoyed as I am about it though so I assume some crackage will take place
1 months ago
I hope so cuz geez
1 months ago
I dont have access to anyone's schedule but my own so
1 months ago
Normally I wouldnt care so much but weve been getting slammed all week with orders
1 months ago
60+ so far every day this week when our normal days are between 30 and 40
1 months ago
My back is killing me I'm going to sleep all weekend lol
15 mins AT MAX for "a bit"
personally "a bit" is like, 5 minutes because otherwise I'm going to be more clear about my arrival time...
but i don't hold everyone to my personal standards, so 15 for anyone else
King of Games
1 months ago
yeah I'd say "a bit" is like 15 -30.
Back on Gunpla
1 months ago
30 minutes max
1 months ago
1 months ago
My god this has been a week of Mondays weve been getting slammed
1 months ago
On the plus side my face is healing nicely
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