のだめ 『 nodame 』
90Friends 69Fans
female Carmona, Philippines
has the attention span of a housefly
sleeps anywhere
eats @ 30 mins - 1 hour interval
loves cosplay

fb: www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/megumi.noda
multiply: mascotgirl.multiply.com/

pika pika no taiyou [my cover]
is back to plurking because twitter is dead
のだめ 『 nodame 』 hopes
8 years ago 1
she survives this month.. ugh.. soooo many bills to pay so little mannnneeeeh!
kinda missed plurking~ (dance)
のだめ 『 nodame 』 wonders
9 years ago
if this actually gets posted to my twitter and if the HT is even counted. lels #ALDUB16thWeeksary
forgot my Ask.fm | Ask and answer username/PW (doh)
back to plurk~ #ALDUB16thWeeksary
pleeeeerk~ (app-lick)
(scenic)payday.. time to pay the bills...
のだめ 『 nodame 』 shares
11 years ago
akeome!! kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegai shimasu
plurking on my tab~ cos im bored