のだめ 『 nodame 』
90Friends 69Fans
female Carmona, Philippines
has the attention span of a housefly
sleeps anywhere
eats @ 30 mins - 1 hour interval
loves cosplay

fb: www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/megumi.noda
multiply: mascotgirl.multiply.com/

pika pika no taiyou [my cover]
のだめ 『 nodame 』 says
12 years ago
omaighad FaceBook is so effin retarded. (angry)
のだめ 『 nodame 』 asks
12 years ago
what's wrong FACEBOOK??!! can'y like or comment on anything na naman!! (angry)
greetings~!! https://images.plurk.com/7DTrDYfkX1zypfcQVSoykp.jpg
kills plurks hiten mitsurugi style (rock)
のだめ 『 nodame 』 says
12 years ago
ang jinet.. parang nid ko na umuwi sa baler..
のだめ 『 nodame 』 shares
12 years ago
Ang Assignment ni JunakisAng Assignment ni Junakis kalerkey ! haha
のだめ 『 nodame 』 says
12 years ago
salamat na din sa mga bumati ng haberday sakin kahit di ko naman birthday.. :-D
のだめ 『 nodame 』 says
12 years ago
wtf facebook!!!?? why can't i send messages/post on my wall again
のだめ 『 nodame 』 says
12 years ago
effin facebook wont let me post anything... X-(
のだめ 『 nodame 』 loves
13 years ago
the soundtrip here.. bohemian rhapsody~!!!! mama wooooooooohoooooo~