141Friends 56Fans
female Boston, MA, United States
Crazed mother of teenage twins. Disabled with heart condition.

I blog at,
Come visit!
margalit says
15 years ago 7
I think I'm plurking my last plurk. I just don't have it in me these days.
margalit says
15 years ago 3
Daughter's boyfriend spent over $750 on her holiday presents. I'm NOT happy about this.
margalit says
15 years ago
Second T'giving turkey today. WAY better than the first.
margalit says
15 years ago
I'm off to bed. G'night!
margalit asks
15 years ago 2
I only had to yell once today. This was a great holiday. My stomach... it is feeling very overloaded.
margalit asks
15 years ago 10
Is Plurk dying? Fewer and fewer people around. What do you think?
margalit asks
15 years ago 4
How's your Turkey Day going?
margalit says
15 years ago 4
Did I tell you my dishwasher died this week? Um, yeah!
margalit says
15 years ago 3
I need a karma boost. I've gone down 2 whole points just because I'm sick. Plurk is not kind to the sick.
margalit says
15 years ago
Worst dry mouth of my life. I literally cannot open my mouth it's so dry. Cotton city.