7Friends 29Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
levendis says
14 years ago
The year's first 30km rollerblade ended with Egg McMuffins and a Big Gulp. Next week I'll save calories by eating an entire sugared ham.
levendis says
14 years ago
Watching Hunt for Red October. I love Sean Connery's character. You can really believe he's a mysoginistic Scotsman.
levendis says
14 years ago
I have a feeling that if my grandpa's last name were Carlo instead of Cristo, my uncle would still be named Monte.
levendis says
14 years ago
I'm wondering if CoffeeMeat would be that much worse than CoffeeMate. It really hinges on the type of meat.
levendis says
14 years ago
Going to go buy pop at the wholesale club. ping.fm/It6qx
levendis says
14 years ago
I'm sorry, but I'm terribly nearsighted when it comes to looking at your rack.
levendis says
14 years ago
Until tonight, I'd never used a bathroom where pissing on your hands was preferable to using the sink.
levendis says
14 years ago
I'm pretty sure my family motto is a four-letter-word.
levendis says
14 years ago
If the taste of this UFC-endorsed energy drink means anything, these guys subsist entirely on hog sweat and urine.
levendis says
14 years ago
Join me on a boring walk home: ping.fm/Ael0f