23Friends 6Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
my m0mma t0ld me that i was b0rn w/ tw0 helpiNgs 0f braiN but 0nly half a helping 0f heart
lemyuwel feels
14 years ago
Sleepless, Restless, Lost, Sad, Confused. Congratulations... i'm in ♥♥♥!
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
I don't want to have the world's attention.. yours is enough.
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
Trust, is better than Love. Cos I may not always trust the person I love, but I can always love the person whom I trust.♥♥♥
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
Don't compare me to her. Ever!. I'm ME. :-P
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
afternoon everyone♥
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
Dear Haters, I Love You! Make sure you continue to talk about me ok!
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
A kiss is just a pleasant reminder that two heads are better than one.
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
good nahyt
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
I often ignore those who chat me on facebook
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
Never tell ur problems to anyone. 20% don't care, 80% are glad u have them.