23Friends 6Fans
male Cebu, Philippines
my m0mma t0ld me that i was b0rn w/ tw0 helpiNgs 0f braiN but 0nly half a helping 0f heart
lemyuwel feels
14 years ago
lemyuwel is
14 years ago
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
im losing my karma :-(
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
who wants to watch the usj-r vs. usc game 1?
lemyuwel was
14 years ago
It's TRUE that beauty gets men's attention, but its also true that it takes much more than that to keep it. -Revrun #ihatequotes@twitter:-)
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
The hardest time is spent in wait of someone who doesnt know you are waiting.
lemyuwel was
14 years ago
lemyuwel was
14 years ago
drunk. ;-)
lemyuwel says
14 years ago
"All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret." Good afternoon"
lemyuwel feels
14 years ago