Kevin Paisley
68Friends 249Fans
male Second Life - Tampa, Florida, United States
Heya! I am Kevin Paisley and I spend entirely too much time on Second Life and you can read about my adventures at
Kevin Paisley thinks
14 years ago 3
since my plurk is at 100 again and I usually have nothing interesting to say I will freeze my plurk for a while ;-)
Kevin Paisley has
14 years ago 3
a sip of my coffee and begins my Tuesday (wave)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
off for some TV and some sleep...nini (sleeping)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago
home from work and full of CiCi's Pizza (woot)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
all fed and showered and heading to work (gym)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
awake and getting ready for Monday and stuff (wave)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago
off to watch TV and then head to bed...nini (sleeping)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago
full of roast beef, smooshed taters and spinach (hungry)
Kevin Paisley has
14 years ago
a fresh shave and a haircut (woot)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago
up and about and having Sunday morning coffee and thinks I might do a blog post in a bit (wave)