Kevin Paisley
68Friends 249Fans
male Second Life - Tampa, Florida, United States
Heya! I am Kevin Paisley and I spend entirely too much time on Second Life and you can read about my adventures at
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
going to eat a hotdog and head to sleep (hungry) (sleeping)
Kevin Paisley thinks
14 years ago
I will go make some mint iced tea since I have some fresh mint (woot)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 1
sorta awake but going to go back to sleep (:
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago
off to work (gym)
Kevin Paisley thinks
14 years ago 2
it is time to make my lunch and some breakfast and wash my crack and stuff (hungry) (LOL)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
quite happy it is Friday and having my coffee and doing morning stuff on the computer (wave)
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 2
off to sleep and stuff...nini all ;-) (sleeping)
Kevin Paisley wants
14 years ago 3
to adopt that puddy
Kevin Paisley is
14 years ago 1
home from work with raspberry chipolte bbq sauce to slather all over my pork! (woot) (hungry)
Kevin Paisley says
14 years ago 2
thankfully it is now lunch! (hungry)