有時很怕自己這樣的個性、不恰當的待人處事方法,會不會被討厭啊? Will people be upset by my personality, incorrect way of treating? 又夾雜著「不要太在意別人眼光」的矛盾想法... In the meanwhile,the thought of "no need to care about other view of me" also bothering me...
以前固執己見,認為自己都是對的。 現在卻喪失自信,陷入迷惘。 該如何重拾信心呢? I used to be stubborn, thought I was always right. Now I lose my confidence,fill with confusing. Got to try harder.
其實我是真的滿容易受到其他人的言語而影響情緒的 但我其實也開始擔心自己會不會追不上其他人的腳步... my emotion is too easily to be influenced by other's gossip. And I also worried about can I catch up my friends or not..