big cleaning done! waiting for guests tonight!
星期日開始找屋了, 昨晚傾下傾下, 在經濟上的信心有點動搖呢!
小朋友, 您真可愛, 沒來考試但來取成績!
浪費同事的時間... 仲嚇一嚇!
SOS~~~~ 明明都係老師,有 d 行家真係可以咁唔高貴!
ssob~ if you want to chat~ please go away to another place, you speak so loud~
ai ya~~~ getting emtional ar~~~
唉~ why Big 6 is so dusty, I hate it
Ms Shelley Grace is going to organize a choir for SRL alumni!!! But my other half doesn't like me to join. Oh no... I can bear the idea...
die la.... I want to vomit