Happy Emily
13Friends 87Fans
female Melbourne, Australia
Hi, I'm Emily Fong. I'm with a global enterprise. We have branches in every country in the world. Our CEO was born in a hick town, worked as a carpenter, didn't own a home, was misunderstood by his family and hated by his enemies, walked on water...
Happy Emily
13 years ago 1
上兩個月一直都在看病, 花了幾千多元. 今個月想看中醫, 想看 dentist, 但為了 $ , 我忍了 d symptoms. Am I doing a wise thing?
Happy Emily
13 years ago
what's happening? I am feeling very very tired
Happy Emily
13 years ago 3
人間的 games, I don't know how to play. A candidate is late today, claiming that she 以為自己 16.50 exam (看錯了 wor). The point is...
Happy Emily
13 years ago
ssob 整喊左人 lor~ 但又唔攪返點佢... 唉, poor Wai
Happy Emily
13 years ago 1
Always feel disappointed when people ask for a exam date change (usually to a later date)// yet turn out to have failed their exam anyway.
Happy Emily
13 years ago
原來昨天有人來考試!!! 看錯了 12/11 為 11/12 :-o
Happy Emily
13 years ago
上星期日我們決定了訂架車... 現在困在 $ 中~ 希望我 & Sheng 同望天上. Don't worry for tomorrow.
Happy Emily
13 years ago
ok, it's ssob again~ very 煩~ complaining about the internet.
Happy Emily
13 years ago 1
ssob again... stupid... came back to the office and got a lot to comment about the practice room tidiness. We are not 保安 or the 清潔 lor~
Happy Emily
13 years ago
what da hell~~~ why ssob is so stubborn!