Angel Lu
5Friends 0Fans
female Chiai, Taiwan
my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When i went to school, they asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me i didn't understand the assignment and i told them they didn't understand life.
Angel Lu says
11 years ago
我要勇敢面對!! ;-)
Angel Lu feels
11 years ago
我的人生快完蛋了 要努力找事情做振作起來 :-D
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
最討厭上課分組.老師分配任務說要分工合作 每次我被分到的組其他組成員完全不緊不慢 明明作業期限就在眼前 最擔心的都是我 結果最後功課都是我在完成 另外幾個還一起得分 超不公平 好學生能力有限ok?!
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
我真的會被那個意見一大堆的法國女生氣死 是沒聽過少數服從多數嗎
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
硬碟shit :-&
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
don't know how to play this game o.o
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
ridin solo
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
賣女孩的小火柴~~!! (woot)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
我要去載妹妹了 今天爸爸休息 (woot)