Angel Lu
5Friends 0Fans
female Chiai, Taiwan
my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When i went to school, they asked me what i wanted to be when i grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me i didn't understand the assignment and i told them they didn't understand life.
Angel Lu asks
12 years ago
今天把ASMA交給數學老師了!! xy坐標的答案到底是甚麼呢??!!
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
算一算我已經一個月沒開過電視,,還是電腦比較吸引我>///< (woot)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
hunter x hunter有2011重製版 偶然發現也有舞台劇?!! what whaat whaaat!!!無法相信或是對它已經...徹底服輸了 "O.O"
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
Mother: Why are you jumping up and down?
Tom: I've just taken some medicine and I forgot to shake the bottle.
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
hate chinese homework!!! (tears)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
坐在觀眾席5個半小時 早上7:30-12:50一直坐著看妹妹的運動會 終於瞭解父母坐在那裡看我們以前運動會的感覺 屁股已經要開花了 又超想睡覺 zzz......
Angel Lu says
12 years ago 3
從小所有人都說我太成熟 2年級像3年級 3年級像4年級 5年級像初一 我6年級有人問我是大學幾年級== 這是甚麼狀況?! (LOL)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago 2
我想要組樂團!!!!! (dance)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
vpn一下子可以用一下子不能用,, 幹嘛要封鎖這麼多台灣網站害我都上不去 氣死 (angry)
Angel Lu says
12 years ago
listening to“hey soul sister" (music)