8Friends 2Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
It`s funny you think that you know me just by viewing my page, but sweetie you no idea!
If you have something to say, then say it to my face not beside my back.

I just do what I want. Its not about what people are saying its about me.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Good Morning :-)
khimarcenal sinasabi
13 years ago
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khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
I never gave you a reason to hate me. You're just creating your own little drama out of pure insecurity.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Sometimes you just gotta be strong. It may hurt and you may shed a few tears, but everything's gonna be alright.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone hurts. Some people just hide it better than others
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
The wrong relationship will have you feeling more alone than when you were single.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Forgive the people who've hurt you or brought you down, because without them you'll never be able to learn.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
Single doesn't always = available and taken doesn't always = in love.
khimarcenal says
13 years ago
People break up all the time, mainly for the wrong reasons. They let the smallest things tear apart something so beautiful.