When you have that true bond with your soul mate, no one or anything should ever be able to break that apart. It's you against the world.
Some men have a classy, strong, loyal and trustworthy woman by their side. If he isn't grateful to have someone like that, he's just dumb.
Be careful who you choose as friends. Everyone that puts an application In, shouldn't be hired.
If someone can give you a reason to why they love you...they don't love you, they like you. Love is based on emotion not definition.
Women just want someone to want them back, and love them just the way they are.
When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority. Loyalty is everything.
All a girl really wants is for one guy to prove to her that they're not all the same.
Sometimes God pushes us to our limits. It's because he has greater faith in us than we have in ourselves.
It sucks when you miss someone who does not miss you back.
Don't let yourself feel like there's nothing left, even if it's true.