0Friends 9Fans
male Hermitage, TN, United States
30 something techno geek father who loves all things photography and mac related.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Check out our first blog post from Bob Marchman on BriteSparkz.com - ping.fm/U87Vh
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Final presentation time for #designathon. Channel 4 was here so look to the news tonight for coverage - ping.fm/uMkHZ
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
We are now almost an hour into the #designathon fire drill - buzzers and lights oh my - PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
The #designathon would not be complete without a fire alarm. Yeah!! The team has been joined by ladder and pump truck in downtow
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Huge thanks to the folks at Colab for use of their space. Be sure to check them out - ping.fm/KH5sW
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Check out live coverage of the 24 Hour Design A Thon for Youth Turns - ping.fm/WSPzh
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Southern Fried #Designathon is underway! ping.fm/ibCCu 2 hours of writing, designing and building for an incredible cause.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
FYI Late night Drupal Peeps - there's currently an issue with dev builds of modules available on drupal.org ping.fm/Pgqxm
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
You know your children have taken over your entertainment when the top 20 recommendations on Netflix include Bob the Builder and Caillou.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
My thought for a friend - "that is what friends are for - to tell you when you have had a brain fart and how bad it smells"