0Friends 9Fans
male Hermitage, TN, United States
30 something techno geek father who loves all things photography and mac related.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Think Twice Before Taking Popular Heartburn Drugs: tinyurl.com/26bymu8
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
More people being evacuated in Nashville areas as the Cumberland river continues to rise. Will not crest until later this evening.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Getting to the office was tough today. Check out the flooding - nuts! ping.fm/sXgEP
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Status update from TEMA regarding #nashvilleflood2010 - ping.fm/sgfog
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Some very interesting information moving on the Nashville Fire and EMS live radio feed. ping.fm/gHW3J
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Fire and police rescue requesting that people who are stranded or trapped put out indicators of need from windows. Sheets, blankets, etc.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Governor Bredesen just announced that there are 21K people without power in Davidson County.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Several NES employees trapped in building at West Nashville sub station at 63rd and Marrow. Rescue underway. #nashvilleflood2010
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Another large band of storms approaching Nashville. Estimates are that we still have 6-9 inches of rain yet to come in the next 24 hours.
jlmeredith says
14 years ago
Substation in West Nashville under water. Large areas without power - ping.fm/kScrp #nashvilleflood2010