92Friends 9Fans
male Singapore
96958050 is ur key to a listening ear.
96958050 is ur key to bottle up ur probs.
96958050 is ur key to mak a gd fren with.
96958050 is ur key to be with me.
96958050 is ur key n wil owaes b here 4 u!!
smiles cos 96958050 is here waiting 4 u!!
jav_frens_4evr says
11 years ago
oh my been ages since i came here lol
jav_frens_4evr says
12 years ago
bored sia >.< mugging for 'o' levels
jav_frens_4evr says
12 years ago
its been a longtime since i last came in!!! xD hello there~ hehe
jav_frens_4evr is
13 years ago 1
counting dwn to ndp >.<
jav_frens_4evr says
13 years ago
jav_frens_4evr says
13 years ago
haiz so sian dlited lyk 4k+ emails liao >.<
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago 4
tmr sch reopens ardy??? omg!!! dis is freaking fast!!!
jav_frens_4evr is
14 years ago
goi tuition tmr haizzz..
jav_frens_4evr is
14 years ago
jav_frens_4evr is
14 years ago 12
gona start planning outing 4 camp 1 lo