jav_frens_4evr is
14 years ago
gona start planning outing 4 camp 1 lo
latest #12
14 years ago
camp.?! i wanna go too.!! (LOL)
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago
lol 4 obs de onli hahaha
14 years ago
obs.?? i don't care.! i wanna go camping too.!!
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago
HAHAHA obs=outward bound singapore
14 years ago
then, i'm gonna ,move to singapore.!
14 years ago
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago
hahahaha ;P come lor hahhaa i welcome u haha
14 years ago
thanks.!! i gonna go there someday.!! (LOL)
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago
hahaha yeahs hahaa den hope u get to c me?? LOL
14 years ago
yeah. of course seeing you is a must.!! i'm already asking my parents about it. (LOL) i've got lots of people i need to see. :-P
jav_frens_4evr says
14 years ago
LOL HAHAHA so excited worhs hahhaa
14 years ago
of course.! and if i really go there, i need to see YOU. no excuses. (LOL)
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