I have 0 karma. I think at this point they should actually be punishing me in some way.
I wish someone around here delivered leftover spaghetti because that sounds awesome.
Great example to understand my personality: Whenever I help someone out I usually for whatever reason end up apologizing.
wardrobe low point: Having to take the saftey pin from your pants (playing the part of the button) to fix the strap on your shoe.
roommate left me a msg that some guy will be staying in the place. Call it hunch but I think he meant "is".
okay. I'm calling it. Today was entirely worthless.
Apparently I love Marvel. I just wish I liked their characters is all...
Well. At least now I can never say I haven't seen a homeless man jerk off on a crowded train. I <3 NY
I've been up since 5 yet I'm astoundingly wired without the aide of caffeine. And I'm not going to be able to get a damn thing done today.