Luke Skywanker Karma: 171.94
not stating / other
- Seattle, WA, United States
dead paladin Karma: 96.85
not stating / other
- moonland, the moon, United States
jill grahamyao Karma: 100.97
not stating / other
- haunting the greater toronto area, Canada
Skylanth Karma: 64.94
- Seattle, WA, United States
sith-in-law Karma: 112.89
- Bee Cave, TX, United States
Adarglad Karma: 165.05
- WA, United States
BethampHATamine Karma: 112.57
not stating / other
- Anacortes, WA, United States
AтαƖι Karma: 100.61
not stating / other
- Sometown, Anywhere, United States