14Friends 1Fans
male Washington, DC, United States
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Alfred shares
13 years ago 57
Alfred shares
13 years ago 44
Alfred shares
13 years ago 41
Alfred is
13 years ago 67
TOTALLY NOT DEAD. Just got his computer fixed, thank effin' Jesus. But he knew ya'll missed him, so fear not, he totally got cha a lil'
Alfred is
13 years ago 9
not dead. Just...thought he'd let everybody know. Computer took a shit after a storm. vnv
13 years ago 176
hasn't spoken to his English Muffin for entire day. ;3; SO HE WALKS ON UP TO HIS HOUSE BEARING GIFTS. [[SMUT]]
13 years ago 21
[Event 2] misses the days when war and post-apocalyptic melt-downs were the stuff of videogames, of horror movies. Ah well. He survived
Alfred has
13 years ago 34
A BOYFRIEND. Whoprobablydidn'twantitblabbedtothewholeworld. BUT THAT'S OKAY. CAUSE HE'LL FORGIVE HIM. ;U; HEAR THAT WORLD?
Alfred has
13 years ago 9
to high-tail it to bed before he drools between the keys of his keyboard and causes some sort of short-circuit and gets electricuted, cause