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female Bulgaria
gal_ps says
9 years ago 3
my dearest friends, sorry for my looong MIA, but as some of U already know I become mammy to a wonderful baby boy - my own Kame-chan, but he's kind of jealous from my PC and I can't be too much around here.
gal_ps says
10 years ago 3
Happy Easter my dear friends... hope you're all healthy and close to the loved ones. Millions of hugs
gal_ps says
10 years ago 2
My dear plurkies ILU.... happy happy 8th so many things passed... so many I'm looking forward (cozy)(party)
gal_ps says
10 years ago 8
sorry girls for MIA again and again...after the disasterous way back (finally safe) now I feel like I'm caught in Catch 22 and don't know what to do anymore...hope to be more positive next week when I know the
gal_ps says
10 years ago 12
my last day in Japan and it's snowing so so bad... but finally I could meet Rika :-) and we with Isi had a great sweet paradice dinner :-P
10 years ago 2
Surrvived the night... Now waiting for boarding. (cozy)
10 years ago 8
finally tmr I'm going to Japan for 3 weeks, so so excited... have to surrvive only tonight all night duty :-)
11 years ago 4
Happy Happy new year :-)
11 years ago 5
My dear friends happy holidays and may you all be blessed for the new year (cozy)
11 years ago 12
hi my dear ladies, sorry for being MIA.... been so so busy these days... finaly had some free time, so uploaded pics and time for some so many things I missed