gal_ps says
10 years ago
my last day in Japan and it's snowing so so bad... but finally I could meet Rika :-) and we with Isi had a great sweet paradice dinner :-P
latest #12
10 years ago
aww...bye gala..have fun there while u can :-D
10 years ago
send my regards to the girls :-D
10 years ago
hugs come back sooooon ;_;
10 years ago
yes, despite my being extremely late ._.
gal_ps says
10 years ago
well watching the weather I'm not so sure I can leave Japan.... so maybe I'll have to stay longer :-P
bluvanilla says
10 years ago
gala stay longer.. Saw on the news is snowing heavily over there.
gal_ps says
10 years ago
well dear lin actually i'm on the airport, but i hope to get a place tmr otherwise i'll stay even longer till wednesday
gal_ps says
10 years ago
but i have to wor...
gal_ps says
10 years ago
gal_ps says
10 years ago
also Kame was at the airport with me but i was so tired to go and stalk him - where exactly at the airport
10 years ago
I'm glad you had a good dinner with the girls! :-)
10 years ago
:-) managed to arrive safely in Sofia
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