If I had a nickel for every time a dwrp game exploded into wank and abruptly closed while I was in Las Vegas for my industry's big trade show, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
[knee] Doc and I made the call to scrub Wineglass this weekend and I'm very sad about it but also very positive it was the right decision, which does actually help. And I got 5 stitches out so I'm down to 6!
Prompted by a difference in UK/American terminology: in the U.S., if tending to your flower bed is gardening, should mowing and related lawncare be yardening?
So I'll leave it through AC to decide, but I'm prrrroooobably gonna drop Nate...love all his individual threads but it really seems I only have so much RP energy and he's hasn't had momentum for a few months.