196Friends 156Fans
male Cupertino, CA, United States
5th grade elementary teacher, DEN Star educator, Google Certified Educator, sharing web 2.0 for district PD, open source, Apple computer user, PLN loving, learner
derrallg says
12 years ago 1
Finished Google map for family, locations of zoo, Sea World, beach, and essentials like vegetable market, Zamba juice and Target close by.
derrallg says
12 years ago 2
Getting excited sitting in my district office with a group of other teachers getting trained by Apple on iBooks Author.
derrallg says
12 years ago
Last day of school, always filled with those mixed emotions of having to say goodbye to students and excitement over the summer ahead.
derrallg says
12 years ago 8
Getting the back channel set up for student presentations today, looks like the last time for using coveritlive w/students with new tos
derrallg says
12 years ago
Heading off to our program's spring banquet
derrallg says
12 years ago
Looking forward to working w/district teachers on ways to innovate in the classroom and be around other passionate individuals. #cusd #itot
derrallg says
12 years ago 2
Been watching the annular eclipse through our pinhole projector. The light outside looked as if I was wearing sun glasses.
derrallg says
12 years ago
Here's yesterday's blog post after a long day, as my students begin using evernote and #qrcodes to collaborate
derrallg says
12 years ago 1
Happy I got the go ahead for conference fees being covered for #iste12, now to think about where I'm staying :-)
derrallg says
12 years ago 2
Just erased the whiteboard in my classroom and was regretting there was no command-z button as I needed to get something back.