196Friends 156Fans
male Cupertino, CA, United States
5th grade elementary teacher, DEN Star educator, Google Certified Educator, sharing web 2.0 for district PD, open source, Apple computer user, PLN loving, learner
derrallg says
9 years ago
So happy to be on my first day of the Christmas break.
derrallg says
10 years ago
Sitting in a two day PEBC training on Math looking at the workshop model
derrallg says
10 years ago
Trying to put together a simple 5 minute presentation on website evaluation for elementary teachers.
Evaluating a Website
derrallg says
10 years ago
Why is creating a productive digital presence essential for educators and students?
derrallg says
10 years ago
Glad to see the filter for images moved from the Google Drive to image search as well for #CC #reuse
derrallg says
10 years ago
First day of break and we are going to a Christmas brunch with family. Great way to start out the holiday.
derrallg says
10 years ago
Signed up for #playdate14 if you're in the SF Bay Area you should too.
derrallg says
10 years ago
Giving students a choice for #hourofcode
derrallg says
11 years ago
Looking at some pictures from last year: What sort of classroom do I want?
derrallg says
11 years ago
Rewordify w/my 5th gr. students, I'll feel more comfortable w/reading level of Wikipedia when they research