196Friends 156Fans
male Cupertino, CA, United States
5th grade elementary teacher, DEN Star educator, Google Certified Educator, sharing web 2.0 for district PD, open source, Apple computer user, PLN loving, learner
derrallg says
11 years ago 2
Downloaded the Kindle version of the Dot and now I'm down loading the coLAR app to augment student's work thanks K...
derrallg says
11 years ago 1
Tedious work today uploading usernames and passwords to all the websites/apps we use. Can't wait till it's done and ready to go.
derrallg says
11 years ago 2
Getting ready to head out with students for our Age of Sail program
derrallg says
11 years ago 1
Getting ready for Back to School Night, want to focus on creativity and growth and allowing students to fail when they attempt to learn.
derrallg says
11 years ago 2
Wish I had time to participate in Edmodocon at least I can be assured that the best of what is shown will be shared www.edmodoco...
derrallg says
11 years ago
Found out my fellowship this summer at HP in the SSI organization is the same one that helps put out the NMC Horizon Report www....
11 years ago
If you have a chance please like page, it's part of my summer fellowship at HP
derrallg says
11 years ago 7
Haven't checked in here in awhile, hope to spend more time interacting with folks who are mostly here and not elsewhere
derrallg says
12 years ago
Trying to set up a sandbox, didn’t know about potential health issues w/sand, is nothing easy anymore,
derrallg says
12 years ago
My final #iste12 reflection including my #istebig3 per coolcatteacher