46Friends 30Fans
male Murfreesboro, TN, United States
I love business, marketing, entrepreneurism and US history.

I run a website that provides information and recommendations about historic and history-related sites in the United States. You can find it at www.pastigo.com.
darrindickey asks
16 years ago 1
in this day when everyone seems to have a blog, does it still make sense for travel sites to offer travel blogs?
16 years ago 5
Anyone have a good suggestion for a web host I can recommend to a tech-challenged client? Thanks!
darrindickey hates
16 years ago 2
that my karma has plummeted while I've been busy elsewhere. :-&
darrindickey shares
16 years ago
I've gotten a dozen new members on the new Passport to History social network in 2 weeks. Not sure if that's good or not.
darrindickey shares
16 years ago
Hilarious! I went to hellotxt.com. Went to look at the mobile version and got an error. Went back 2 hellotxt.com and got "forbidden" error.
darrindickey shares
16 years ago 7
I got my LG Dare and I've been using it for half a week. I'm really diggin' it!
darrindickey is
16 years ago
plurking from my new LG Dare!
darrindickey thinks
16 years ago 1
being active in real life is killing my karma. But perhaps it's helping my real life karma? (s_annoyed)