46Friends 30Fans
male Murfreesboro, TN, United States
I love business, marketing, entrepreneurism and US history.

I run a website that provides information and recommendations about historic and history-related sites in the United States. You can find it at www.pastigo.com.
16 years ago
Wordpress simply kicks butt. I wish I could figure out a good way to use the multi-user version on Pastigo. myBlog is OK, but not WP.
16 years ago
Why, oh why, does mobicue allow their people to spam blogs?!
16 years ago
Mr. Gates has enough of it already.
16 years ago
Argh! I had to install a new h/d on my laptop and I can't find my WinXP CD. I don't want to give Uncle Bill any more of my $$.
16 years ago
chrisbrogan: Just wanted to say thanks for the very helpful info in your newsletter. I've learned a lot!
darrindickey thinks
16 years ago
I need to go to bed. Still tired from my stupid bad neighbors keeping us up till after 2:30am with their stupid party. Now, I'm stupid tired
darrindickey shares
16 years ago
darrindickey says
16 years ago
gee whiz Tim Robbins is showing some age.
darrindickey is
16 years ago
wondering if I should reinvigorate a blog I had all but abandoned. It's been referenced in another blog I respect. Hmm, maybe it's worth it.
darrindickey is
16 years ago
trying to burn Ubuntu to a disk to try a solution I saw to get my data from my dead hard drive. But burn won't take.