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male Paris, France
Christian Danielle Quijano
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"The two that are one, the one that is all."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend...or not...conditionally"
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is the first rule of Alchemy."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Don't move.. Wait. Look. Notice. If you keep those three words in mind, you just might survive in the next few days."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"For the next few days, you should remember to wait before moving, to look before stepping, and to observe everything."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose, I'm a history. That's the way history is written."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Life sucks then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Oh, brilliant. I must write that one down in my witty retorts book."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"It's more difficult than it looks."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"...just another quack-spouting babble."