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male Paris, France
Christian Danielle Quijano
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Present wars impoverish the lords that win as much as those that lose."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
War makes thieves, and peace hangs them."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"The line between confidence and arrogance is very fine. And the line between arrogance and stupidity is even finer."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Since the handling of arms is a beautiful spectacle, it is delightful to young men."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Without suffering, there is no compassion."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"It's everyday people, like you and me, that are brave, knowing we could easily be defeated, but still continue forward."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
Breakdown of the word "STUPID.": Smart Talented Unique Person In Demand.
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"If you don't get it, don't get it! Get it?"
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"I believe there is good in everyone. Even you."