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male Paris, France
Christian Danielle Quijano
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"When they remain in garrison, soldiers are maintained with fear and punishment; when they are then led to war, with hope and reward."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Every little advantage is of great moment when men have to come to blows."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"To know in war how to recognize an opportunity and seize it is better than anything else."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"In war, discipline can do more than fury."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"It is much better to tempt fortune where it can favor you than to see your certain ruin by not tempting it."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"There is nothing as likely to succeed as what the enemy believes you cannot attempt."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"The greatest remedy that is used against a plan of the enemy is to do voluntarily what he plans that you do by force."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"The forces of adversaries are more diminished by the loss of those who flee than of those who are killed."
daniellequijano says
14 years ago
"Necessities can be many, but the one that is stronger is that which constrains you to win or to die."