3Friends 9Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
cins says
14 years ago
Had a wonderful night with IRON MAN 2 :-D
cins says
14 years ago
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."
cins says
14 years ago
LAX-TPE round+tax不到US$1000... TPE-LAX round光是ticket就要NT$三萬七... 我搞不懂BR啊...
cins says
14 years ago
交期要六個月的產品會有人買嗎? ..........有! 我竟然為了阿舍乾麵願意等半年, 真是瘋了... 可見只要產品夠吸引力還是會有消費者願意買單的 =.=
cins says
14 years ago 1
雖然很多技術支援的客服都是照本宣科, 但面對消費者時並非所有問題皆有答案可查詢, 有時候考驗的是臨場反應與專業知識的了解, 一個稱職的客服人員其實是被undervalued的
cins says
14 years ago
no wonder I want to leave this place, everybody is "only" doing their own businesses. Work with passion means doing everything by yourself.
cins 覺得
14 years ago
很恐怖, 每天都像走在鋼索上, 每個環節都有出錯的可能, 每一個小細節不親自確認就無法放心, 業務作成這樣真的很膽顫心驚
14 years ago
如果公司無法凝聚向心力, 等決定要走人的時候也不會有太多的留戀, 這大概是待在公家機關或是以利益掛帥的公司的好處吧 XD
14 years ago 1
I wonder.. 是不是只要是上班族都會在心中吶喊著"我要放假"... 特別是當你覺得被綁住的時候 (苦笑)
14 years ago
低潮的次數越來越頻繁, I really love this place, but being here is so easily to get depressed.