26Friends 29Fans
female Greentown, PA, United States
I'm really getting the hang of Plurk now and I'm loving it. I'm a huge Supernatural fan. One of my favorite things to do with my spare time is to talk to my invisible friends who have the same obsession in common.
britanyk is
13 years ago 21
still alive. It's forever since I peeked in here. Things still look the same. Hey everyone!
britanyk is
14 years ago 15
Hey all! You probably already know but there are some rumbles about a possible season 7 via twitter
britanyk is
14 years ago 14
back from Christmas trip to CA to visit family and is catching up with invisible friends. Hope everyone had a great holiday vacation!
britanyk says
14 years ago 6
Don't forget that TVguide comes out today kiddies!!! I'm still celebrating our victory! (dance)
britanyk says
14 years ago 21
britanyk says
14 years ago 14
just peeking in to say hi. I've been a bit busy around here. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving1 (hungry)
britanyk says
14 years ago 1
Well I missed Psych last night but thank goodness for DVRs. watched this morning. Loved It! :-)
britanyk says
14 years ago 8
Psych is back tonight!!! (dance) Now I just have to stay awake until 10:00. I think I can... I think I can!
britanyk says
14 years ago 22
I just watched Nightshifter on TNT this morning. Great episodes like that remind me why I love SHow so much. *We are so screwed* :-D
britanyk says
14 years ago 21
Happy Saturday Finally got the computer back online. Beware of the Think Point virus. It's nasty.