Punch Egg-Iron
1Friends 2Fans
Denver, CO, United States
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 7
I swear fuckin no one tags characters or rid2015
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 1
fuck. fuck. I clicked the thing
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 4
I've done nothing but level another coli team today because shitty med side effects left me too loopy to do anything else
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 8
aughhh people on my dash that are younger and better than me going all NOOO I SUCK AND I'LL NEVER BE ANY GOOD
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 5
yoo is anyone planning on going to TFcon canada
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
jeez lookin through art from 2013 and a lot of it is trash but some of it is like?? I feel like I shouldn't have been able to produce something so close to what I do now back then??? HAVE I EVEN IMPROVED AT ALL
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 7
fuck i can't keep track of usernames anymore but NIE I FINISHED YOUR CHRISTMAS THING FINALLY https://40.media.tumblr.com/de0eb7e7f63fa56e8d80ea4557734e3f/tumblr_nl0kx0lHSz1qf2st9o1_r1_540.png
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 4
egh, someone throw me in the trash
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago 1
Im gettin too grumpy and crochety for this