Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
aughhh people on my dash that are younger and better than me going all NOOO I SUCK AND I'LL NEVER BE ANY GOOD
latest #8
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
fffffffffffffffffffffffuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
diet dracula
9 years ago
punch them with love
diet dracula
9 years ago
i know i do
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
IHAVE NO LOVE I am pmsing and being nervous for no reason near the point of throwing up
diet dracula
9 years ago
oh man. :c i'm sorry. that's rough.
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
i know I shouldn't be so negative but god I don't need this right now
diet dracula
9 years ago
dude it's understandable. your brain can say "i know this shouldn't matter" but that doesn't control how ya feel sometimes
Punch Egg-Iron
9 years ago
mm thanks at least I calmed down noww thanks for talking with me
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