Why did the movie Hugo give me so many feels. [Warning: Murray blabbers about dead people and stuff she should not have such emotions for]
Three things to share about this weekend.
[HS Meme] I am Jake English
[Humanstuck] Would any of you plurk people be interested in hearing my humanstuck-based ramblings?
MNEEEEH. My mom has been out of town all weekend at a tumblr teacher meet up and my dad and I just discovered C2E2 is RIGHT NEXT DOOR-
[Homestuck] So, last night I spent some huge chunk of time discussing theories about how gender roles work on Alternia-
[Dungeons & Dragons] Can I just babble about my new character now? Is that a thing people would read?
Sometimes I think about how I probably wouldn't have really been adopted by Mikey & co. if not for the the fact that-
{Homestuck} You know, the main thing I'm loving about these updates is what total dorks all of our babies are being.