Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
[Dungeons & Dragons] Can I just babble about my new character now? Is that a thing people would read?
latest #10
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
Because I'm super excited right now and I think I did a really good job on this guy for it being late and me having had too many Mt. Dews.
The Cage
12 years ago
I will. What edition?
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
4. :B
The Cage
12 years ago
Yeah, sure I'll still read it. XD
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
It's on the newest character builder, it was my friend's first time using it and we were mainly just schmoozing around
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
We ended up with a Kenku Rouge/Theif. Which is kind of brilliant because Crow Thief.
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
And we've decided he just like shows up sometimes to troll our group because my pal's little brother (who's our DM) hates monster-characters
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
He just sort of like annoys people. And mimics our accents. And occasionally tries to carry off the resident shardmind because shiny.
Puppy Giggles
12 years ago
I don't know, I just really like his character. And because he now exists my main character- a very masculine and tough female Genasi monk-
Puppy Giggles will
12 years ago
pretty much be stuck in an entire party full of people who piss her off. Woo for torturing characters!
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