Just Troy
78Friends 44Fans
male Waubun, MN, United States
I work as a Technology Integration Specialist, specializing in SMART Boards, iOS devices, MOODLE, and Google Apps for Education. Now I'm looking for networking opportunities to find cool things on the web for the classroom.
Just Troy is
12 years ago
battling with iPad lab carts today and probably the rest of the week.
Just Troy feels
12 years ago 2
terrible because I missed out on a great opportunity that came as quickly as it left.
Just Troy is
12 years ago
trying radio plays next week with GarageBand and the Jam Session feature in an English class.
Just Troy
12 years ago
watched a great video today ilearntechnology.com/?ta... wonderful info ktenkely
Just Troy asks
12 years ago
has anyone used this website for tutorials? www.gcflearnfree.org/top...
Just Troy loves
12 years ago
how much students love Garageband and iMovie, and how intuitively they adapt to their use with basic technology training.
Just Troy has
12 years ago 4
used grageband in class the past two days and the kids are in love with creating their own musical poems.
Just Troy asks
12 years ago 12
if we become the guide on the side, then what is the definition of a teacher? Where to find the answer on Google?
Just Troy asks
12 years ago 1
is anyone having success administering iPads in a cart format?
Just Troy likes
12 years ago 2
SMART_Tech new Notebook 11, but it's a little glitchy.