Just Troy asks
12 years ago
if we become the guide on the side, then what is the definition of a teacher? Where to find the answer on Google?
latest #12
12 years ago
Teacher: One who helps others to learn. The best teachers create learners who increasingly don't need them.
mindelei says
12 years ago
I second that Metsoskil!
mindelei says
12 years ago
It's not about me at all. :-)
Just Troy is
12 years ago
a flipped classroom a sage on the stage or a guide on the side?
mindelei says
12 years ago
If done properly, it should be a guide on the side. - little to no lecturing in class.
Just Troy
12 years ago
Right, but aren't they essentially watching a digital lecture outside of class?
Just Troy
12 years ago
If we, teachers, are to provide opportunities instead of provide info, how do we provide exploration of ideas they've no concept of?
mindelei says
12 years ago
It depends. They do reading/videos/etc. outside of class so that you can do all the hands-on things in class or do what would normally be
mindelei says
12 years ago
homework in class (and the questions from the reading/discussion/etc.)
Just Troy
12 years ago
What do you do if the majority of your students don't have access to the internet outside of school or refuse to do the necessary prep work?
SarahLKentner says
12 years ago
In today's world students have answers to the simple questions- they need help with the deep thinking
SarahLKentner says
12 years ago
Have them spend time getting the simple questions solved on their own and use the teacher for the resource they truly are
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