108Friends 67Fans
female Auburn, KS, United States
I am an Instructional Technology Coach for an elementary school. I am an Intel Master Teacher. I love to learn about new things on the web and share them with the students and teachers in my building. I love to learn and share with people from all ov
beamjil_4 asks
13 years ago 4
Our district is thinking of using google docs, gmail. etc. Has anyone's district switched and how has it worked out?
beamjil_4 is
13 years ago 9
trying to use twitter. Going to look for all of you on Twitter!
beamjil_4 asks
13 years ago 19
If anyone will give me your thoughts on changing from iPhone3 to HTC inspire?
beamjil_4 is
13 years ago 2
learning about lots of great resources at the Creating 21st Century Classrooms PLD with ALTEC!
beamjil_4 likes
13 years ago 3
attending Google Goodies on the Horizon at MACE!
beamjil_4 says
13 years ago
has anyone heard of or used Whyville? I know that there younger students using it and I am not sure how appropriate it is...
beamjil_4 says
14 years ago 3
has a teacher who is looking for a tood text to speech application (free)
beamjil_4 says
14 years ago 9
has a teacher who is wanting to use base ten blocks with her smartboard. Can't seem to find in gallery. Any ideas?
beamjil_4 says
14 years ago 5
I have not been on Plurk since this summer. I have started the Intel course that I was trained on this summer. I showed my class Plurk!
beamjil_4 says
14 years ago 3
I have had a great week in the Intel training!