Our district is thinking of using google docs, gmail. etc. Has anyone's district switched and how has it worked out?
trying to use twitter. Going to look for all of you on Twitter!
If anyone will give me your thoughts on changing from iPhone3 to HTC inspire?
learning about lots of great resources at the Creating 21st Century Classrooms PLD with ALTEC!
attending Google Goodies on the Horizon at MACE!
has anyone heard of or used Whyville? I know that there younger students using it and I am not sure how appropriate it is...
has a teacher who is looking for a tood text to speech application (free)
has a teacher who is wanting to use base ten blocks with her smartboard. Can't seem to find in gallery. Any ideas?
I have not been on Plurk since this summer. I have started the Intel course that I was trained on this summer. I showed my class Plurk!
I have had a great week in the Intel training!