Badfic Mods
5Friends 5Fans
female Sierra Vista, AZ, United States
Mod Plurk for the Badfic Manor panfandom RP
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago
Plot Post! Welcome to Silent Hill - or welcome back for anyone who was here last year...
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago
Mod Post - rules revision, and we're going to be updating the setting and info as we can!
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago 9
The Doctor is In! For those who want appointments with the Author's best guess at a therapist!
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago 5
Spoiler Post! Also professions the Author should not think about for 500$, Alex.
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago 1
Plot Post! Body swap plot is go!
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago 33
And the results are in for the bodyswap plot!
Badfic Mods shares
11 years ago 1
Last call for bodyswap signups! Drawing will be done tomorrow morning-midday AZ/Central time!